Sunday, January 10, 2010

on the highway

After two years and elevens months of getting the P driving license, yesterday was the first day I drove on highway.

Not so glamorous, and kind of shameful.

Not because of my dad trust me enough, but he had no choice. I wonder why my almost-perfect (or so I think) driving skills could not convince him to let me serve the task as a long distance driver. I just hit the pillar in the porch once. And perhaps added a few scratches to the car. But I am sure that does not matter much, right?

I got this chance, once in a century, because he can't drive at the moment. Too weak to drive. He walked like a drunken man. Knocking into innocent passers-by and the poor pillars too. How pitiful.

Well, not his fault actually. He was just way too sick. Way too ill. Way too dizzy. Way too hypotension. He had a shocking diastole value of 30+!! How scary.

With his poor health condition, he however dare not blink his eyes beside me, the brilliant driver, let alone dozing off. How pathetic.

Luckily and fortunately, very thing went so fine that he had had not even a strand of hair less. God bless. Both my family and the other road users. Haha...

I finally understand why people hate driving long distance. Not so much of the tiredness, but the soaring butt!!

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