Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Something missing

There had been a little less laughter in the class now, not because of the gruelling application procedures to UK, not the on-coming A2 exam, not the don't-know-how to write personal statement, but the disappearance of our dearest friend, SWT.

*P.S. This picture was taken before she started her inhuman strict diet. She might be much much slimmer now.

Without her "cha xie" and "chao xiao" and also her "leng xiao hua", time crawls at an incredibly slow pace during classes. And our gang seems to be much smaller now. It seems that there is a significant difference between a gang of 9 and 10 (obviously).

Mysterious as she was, she left us with zillions of question marks even without her presence. We never know how, where, what, when and most importantly WHY she left.

We never know what situation she is in now. She is in her time of difficulty, facing the giant, alone. She had her reason.

We can only pray the best for her.

*P.S. We love you.

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