Friday, June 5, 2009

Love him, love him not......

Love him, love him not, love him, love him not....

What should I do with him?
Sometimes, he is just so cute and I will thank God for sending him into my life.
Sometimes, I just want to strangle him to death!!
Two contradicting feelings...
Back to the question: Love him? love him not??

I was waiting impatiently, so looking forward to go to Malacca especially after my friends told me about the shop "tart tart" that sells lots of tarts (you can know that from the name) and nyonya dumpling. I can't wait to savour all the delicacies... Oh.... How many times had I fantasising in placing the tart in my mouth, slowly chewing it, tasting it. And the nyonya dumpling which I never knew exist in this world until recently.

Dying to go Malacca!! To eat and to play (of course I'll somehow cheat my bro into paying all that for me)

I had thought of all the possibilities, that my parents will object, that the bus tickets sold out, etc etc... But I had left out the most important one, the theory I set up myself long ago.
And the theory is, GUYS at their 20s are just SO x 101000 VACILLATING!!!

The story goes like this:
He says : Visit me in Malacca anytime you want. I'll be free. (He finished his
exam, and having a break now)

Me says : Sure. How about this Tues?
He says : It'll be fine. Just to give me a call before you come.

Agreement reached. Both parties were equally happy (at least I was).

Few hours later......

Me says : Mama, I going to visit ko in Malacca on Tues wo, can a?
Mama says : Huh?? He told me he is coming back Taiping on Mon?

My bro!!!

Few minutes later.....

Me says : You said I can go visit you on Tues and you told mama that you are
going back on
Mon? What does that mean?
He says : Oh, I'm not going back anymore. I have stuff to do.

That's my bro!!!

For the next few days, he kept changing his mind.
Going back Taiping, staying back Malacca, coming KL to see her gf...
Until now, his is still in Malacca. And then gone my tarts, my nyonya dumplings. GREAT!
(Hopefully he won't see this. I still wish there is someone that pay for my shopping in future)

But there are times that he is really sweet. That you feel fortunate to have a bro (quite rarely though)

Me says : Mama doesn't let me go Malacca le. She said got Meningitis wo.
He says : No worry. You won't be affected for sure. You're immune.
Me says : Huh? Why say so?
He says : Well, you don't have the organ the virus attack what.

I throw him a look of bewilderment.

He says : The brain. You have NO BRAIN. Hahahaha....

Love him? Love him not?

1 comment:

callie said...

having a bro is a fun thing. I would prefer an elder brother than a younger one, seriously.

minus the fact that big bro always bully the younger ones la. ahahaa